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How To Properly Use Each Type of Barbell Safely

Posted on October 26 2023

How To Properly Use Each Type of Barbell Safely

With more people than ever perusing their fitness routines in their homes, high schools, gyms, and elsewhere, understanding how to use weights and equipment safely is more crucial than ever. Barbells are excellent tools for challenging your strength and endurance levels while building lean muscle mass. However, proper form when performing exercises with barbells, such as deadlifts, squats, rows, presses, or overhead lifts, is imperative to avoiding injury. Learn how to properly use different types of barbells so that you can execute exercises with safe technique and maximize your results.

Types of Fitness Barbells

Before attempting barbell exercises, newbies and beginners must familiarize themselves with the equipment variations. Read on to explore the different types of fitness barbells that can aid your fitness journey.

Standard Barbells

The standard barbell is the most common type of barbell. It has a length of approximately seven feet and a weight of 45 pounds. It features a knurled grip and can hold an even number of plates on either end.

Standard barbells come in various widths and thicknesses, making them perfect for powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting exercises. They are ideal for compound exercises, including squats, bench presses, and deadlifts.

Olympic Barbells

Olympic barbells are slightly longer and thicker than standard barbells, reaching about seven and a half feet and weighing between 45 and 55 pounds. They come with rotating sleeves that reduce unwanted wrist motion during lifting and can hold more weights than standard barbells. They are also knurled and provide a better grip for Olympic lifts such as snatches and clean and jerks.

EZ Curl Barbells

The EZ curl barbell is a curved bar that is perfect for bicep curls, tricep curls, and other isolation exercises requiring a neutral or angled grip. This type of barbell reduces the strain on your wrists and elbows, and it has a more ergonomic design that enables a more comfortable grip. EZ Curl barbells are usually shorter than standard barbells, have a length of about four feet, and weigh between 10 and 25 pounds.

Safety Squat Barbells

A safety squat barbell, or SSB, is another type of barbell perfect for those with neck or shoulder injuries. The SSB distributes weight across the upper back and shoulders and features two handles at the front that a user can leverage for balance. The barbell is usually shorter than standard barbells, has a length of about six feet, and weighs around 60 pounds.

Trap Barbells

A trap barbell is a diamond-shaped bar that enables users to stand within the frame while lifting weights. Trap barbells improve the body’s natural movement by reducing the forward lean in deadlift exercises and minimizing the strain on the lower back.

They also target specific muscles, such as the gluteus maximus, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Trap barbells weigh between 50 and 80 pounds and reach about five feet in length. If you want to learn new lower body exercises and minimize bodily injuries, a trap bar can be a great starting point.

Tips for Safely Using Barbells

Now that you know more about fitness barbells, you can take steps to use them safely as you progress in your fitness journey. Below are some tips for properly using barbell equipment safely.

Learning Proper Exercise Form

Proper exercise form is paramount to ensure safety and efficacy while using barbells. Mastery of the basics will optimize your workout routine and significantly mitigate the risk of potential injuries. When working with barbells, always keep your back straight and evenly distribute the load over your feet. Your hands should grip the barbell firmly at shoulder-width apart for standard lifts, with variations depending on specific exercises.

Always remember to perform each exercise with a full range of motion, engaging your muscles completely. Never rush a lift; control and precision are key to effective strength training. You invest in your long-term fitness and health by prioritizing proper form over new PRs.

Practice With a Spotter

Having a spotter when lifting barbells is an essential safety measure, especially for beginners or when attempting maximum weight lifts. A spotter provides immediate assistance if the weight becomes too challenging to lift, reducing the risk of injuries due to dropped weights or loss of control.

Furthermore, a spotter can help ensure you maintain correct form throughout your exercises, offering real-time feedback and corrections as needed. This immediate feedback loop can accelerate your learning curve and enhance workout efficiency. Always remember that safety should always precede ambition when it comes to weightlifting. Train intelligently and invest in your long-term fitness by practicing with a spotter.

Increase Weight Gradually

Incrementally increasing the weight of your barbell is a critical component of any successful strength training regimen. As your muscles adapt to the current weight, you can gradually add more resistance to challenge your body and facilitate continuous growth and strength enhancement. It’s beneficial to increase the load by 2 to 5 pounds per week for upper body exercises and 5 to 10 pounds for lower body exercises.

However, you must remember that these are mere guidelines, and individual progress may vary based on age, gender, nutritional intake, and overall fitness levels. Always listen to your body and avoid any drastic increases that could lead to injuries. Training with a range of weight plates and barbells allows for flexible weight adjustments, ensuring you can safely and effectively progress at your own pace.

Stretch Before and After Workouts

Before picking up a barbell, it is paramount to prepare your body through pre-workout stretching. Stretching increases body temperature, enhances flexibility, and reduces the risk of injuries during your workout. Use a blend of dynamic stretches that mimic the movements involved in your upcoming workout.

Post-workout, static stretching is vital for cooling down and improving long-term flexibility. It aids in muscle recovery, minimizes post-workout stiffness, and increases your range of motion for future workouts. Remember, a comprehensive workout regimen isn’t just about lifting weights; it’s about taking a holistic approach to your wellness, which includes appropriate stretching before and after each workout.

Make sure you take the time to learn the basics and get familiar with progressive loading as you kick off your fitness journey with barbell weight training. Any barbell weight training offers tangible gains, but performing these beneficial exercises safely and controlled reduces the risk of injury. Extreme Training Equipment offers high-quality Olympic barbells that help push past plateaus while safely allowing you to drive your body against challenging weights. Ask us about our barbells and other fitness equipment today.

How To Properly Use Each Type of Barbell Safely